About Karamoja, Northern Uganda
Aremo Village is located in Abim District, Karamoja Region which is located in the Northeastern part of Uganda.
The household population of Aremo Village is 1,137 household heads and the total population is approximately 4,550. The population is predominantly farmers; however, the climate of the area is unpredictable and unreliable, leading to poor harvest all year round. This results in annual famine in the region.
The older population is on the verge of extinction as they are left uncared for; some also have the burden of caring for their grandchildren. Almost everyone in Aremo Village lives below a dollar a day and this has impacted negatively on the population. Diseases and alcohol abuse are also rampant, making the younger generation vulnerable. Hence, a vicious cycle of poverty in the community.
Blessed are those who are generous, because they feed the poor. Proverbs 22:9 NLT
Our fundraising goal for 2024 - will fully fund 3 mobile medical clinics and related ministry costs.
The number of people who will be treated at each mobile medical clinic.
The number of families that will receive food from the HSU community garden.
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